Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Alright guys so today I'm gonna really try to detail what we did in class because unfortunately...I mean, we aren't doing new stuff every day so I can't get pictures for everything but today we started with movement. It was very interesting. a mix of dance, yoga, games and stuff. she had us writhing around on the floor like a snake ( a little too mountain view for us but, we went along with it ). then she had us do this thing where we got a partner and had to move with them and in relationship to them without touching them which was cool because we had to focus our bodies and pay attention. it was very energetic! then we had repetition. Ol Sandy Meisner!! ;) the teacher was cool but he was a little ...tooooo chill. He wanted us to tell our names and the most embarrassing moments in our life. hahaha which was cool cuz it was about honesty! but like at the same time...he seemed to be really interested in the SKILL. It seemed like he didn't want to teach us this skill to help us to perform better but just to teach us the skill itself. that's not to say he didn't care about us but, its the 2nd day :) then we had lunch and we met a couple new friends :) then we had voice and speech which was a little bit like movement. we really focused on breathing and how we make sound and how breath permeates everything that we do in speech and stuff like that. although the teacher was kind of an odd ball... she had some good exercises to share with us :) the we had Shakespeare study which was probably my favorite class of the day. the teacher was very straight up and real with us and he seemed like he really cared about us as people and really wanted us to like Shakespeare but wasn't gonna force us into anything. Then we headed to shake shack for some good eats and headed home :) we just chillennnnnnnn


  1. Just started reading these from the beginning ~ sounds like your days are jam-packed & will be getting more intense as you progress. Sending happy thoughts & hugs to you all!
    Love, Mrs. A.
    PS - diggin' the Mountain View reference :)
