Sunday, July 22, 2012

Well guys, i know that all 9 of my readers are really dissapointed that i didn't blog last night but i didn't get home till 1 AM!!!! so at least i have an excuse. Both yesterday and today have been stellar and full of excitement! yesterday we decided to sleep in reallllyyyyyy late! me and jake didn't get up until like noon! once that happened my mom had a very luxurious breakfast planned out for us including eggs, bacon, french toast and yogurt! (YUM!) after being fueled we decided to head for central park where we all took some of the beautiful pictures you see below :) we then, being in a walking mood decided to simply walk down to 49th street. -__-..... my mother calculated later we walked a minimum of 60 short blocks and 11 long feet hurt. we entered the Book Of Mormon lottery and after our bitter defeat , me and jake decided to see the dark knight rises and momma and leyse just headed home. Jake and I arrived at the theatre at 6:30 expecting we would find a 7:20 or a 7:40 showing.....the only available showing was 9:10 so we sat and waited for almost three hours to see this movie. so , alas. that is why yesterday i did not blog upon returning home. Today! we woke up at a bright and early 8:45 to get into the student rush line for Jersey Boys for jake and Aleyse and One Man , Two Guvnors for me and mom. we met up with Sami, Taylor and Natasha(Sammatha's friend) for lunch and the matinee'. One man, Two Guvnors was RIDICULOUSLY funny. An all around hysterical day at the theatre. after the 2 and 1/2 hour show we headed back to the apartment ( after grabbing some signatures ;) ay!) and are now just relaxing before our 3rd (WOAH) week of class resumes. and ! momma goes to Julliard. :)


all that wilderness jont.

Blue jay.

Babbling Brooke

The lake

such a cute couple

What up great lawn

The bard.

Aitchell and Mleyse

Rebellious Subjects!

For real...

You just got PUNKED

All rights reserved



Goofy ..

Well, this is what i live with.

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