Day two....7-18-12....Dear journal...its been two days since my last cup. I thought I could avoid the brunt of the side effects. Thought I was different. MY withdrawal symptoms wouldn't be severe.....I was wrong. My skin burns for hours on end. my tongue dry and desperate for its succulent taste.... I honestly doubt ill be able to survive through the night....what am I talking about? SOFT SERVE FRUIT!!!! Hahahahha me and Leysey are trying to cut back and it SUCKSS. well. Hey guys! its day ten now! can u believe it? we are almost at the end of week two! so I kind of realized that id been talking about my classes but haven't been going into a lot of depth about what happens in the class so today i have some specific examples of fun stuff that happened today :) First off we had movement! yet again. It was pretty fun! she made us stretch out of limbs and really open up our torso's and stuff like that then we had to do this thing with a partner where we picked up a quick dance routine and then had to do the routine in relationship with our partner.(Shout out to Jenna Wisch! She and I CLUTCHED THE DANCE ROUTINE) Then we did it like very quickly with a bunch of extra steps involved for funsies. We also did this interesting thing where we lied down on the ground and connected just ever so slightly with someone and she started a pulse by touching one of us and we had to continue to pass it along throughout the web of people which was nice. After that she made us scrunch up in a ball with each other. like we all got into the center of the room and just kinda sat back to back and then she had us relax to the point where we were all just kind of laying on each other. Next we had Repetition. at first i didn't see the point of it. but now we are getting to the advanced stages of it and I'm really learning a lot! Today he made us all do this thing where we had to stand up in front of the class for a whole minute and the class just looked at us and we looked back at the class. it was really interesting and taught you kind of how to be "In the moment".also, for some reason, EVERYBODY told Andy(the teacher) that I had a smug smile on my face and that i made them laugh for some reason. (IDK, was not doing it on purpose...but Since the point of Repetition is to figure out how the other person works and how they react Andy (the teacher) told me today that I hide....he said (in front of the whole class) that I tend to hide behind my facial expressions. I do a smug little smile or something funny to hide from people really wanting to SEE me. which I thought was interesting. Next we had Voice/ Speech....which...lets get real is my least favorite class.. it was basically all about proper breathing and stretching out your mouth and your articulators. And then we studied how we make vowel sounds with our tongue being in different places in our mouth and stuff and even played this game where we just kinda made up sounds and the phrases and passed them around a big circle to each other. like teaching your neighbor to properly pronounce your made up word or phrase. Finally, we had on camera. Basically for the duration of the class I was the DP (director of photography) NBD! I ran the camera and filmed everybody :) AY! When we got out of class it was POURING DOWN RAIN. my hair deflated :( as seen below) and we were going to Lottery for Book Of Mormon. But we didn't realize till too late that the show was at 7, not 8. so the Lottery was earlier than expected :/ so we missed it! but that's okay :) we will try another night! After that we headed home, ate dinner and have just been talking, relaxing and studying lines. NBD! miss and love you all!
your hair looks the same..... <<<<<<