Saturday, July 7, 2012

First off...

Howdy Y'all! Well! as many of you hopefully know...(if you don't know i have no idea why you are reading this). I'm headed off to the Big City tomorrow morning to attend the Atlantic Acting School Teen Summer Intensive. (what a mouthful). 22 students were chosen from all across the country (and even the world!!) and I get to go!! accompanying me are my good friends Aleyse Shannon and Jake Cundiff as well as my beautiful mother.  And to keep in touch and to tell you guys what's up and what's happening I'm keeping this blog :) I hope to post pictures and all sorts of fun stories about what we are doing in class from day to day as well as reviews about shows that we end up going to see. and all sorts of other stuff. I hope you enjoy reading about my summer adventures just as much as i am going to enjoy writing about them. I love you all! 

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