Hey guys! Well, admittedly today was kind of a tough, tiring Monday. We had scene analysis today and it took FOREVER. mostly due to the wonderful, Aleyse who took 2 hours of the 3 hour time allotted for scene analysis. ill give it to the girl though. she got stuff DONE today :) then we went off to do our lunch thannnngggg . got back for Games with the guy that's directing my piece in the showcase (he's super coooooolllll). we played this really cool game called Mafia. basically you all sit in a circle and everyone closes their eyes and he taps 4 people to be mafia members. then they figure out who they are and they close their eyes. then he taps one person twice to be the investigator. these roles dont change. then every round the lights get turned off and its "Night time" and the mafia members choose a person to kill. then they close their eyes and the investigator gets to ask the teacher if any one person is a mafia member. then during the "Day time" the society as a whole votes on who to kill. no one knows who the mafia members are or who the investigator is. its simply the job of the investigator and the mafia members to try and lead the conversation during the day time towards desired results. it's SUPERFUNNNNN. then we had on camera to finish the day and thats always fun because the teacher is really quirky and fun :). then we took our new friend ( S/O to Hannah Ades!) to Soft Serve Fruit only to discover that Rasberry flavor we love so much has been stripped from the menu.....NOOOOOO once we got home we relaxed and chilled, mom had a WONDERFUL dinner laid our for us that included pasta, broccoli and some focaccio bread and oil. as well as some homemade pastries! aleyse had a breakdown, as is present in the video below. I called Amber (S/O!!) to relax a bit :) and then we all studied our Shakespeare monologues for tomorrow! PHEW! long day. :) miss you all!
i love this picture. food coma.