Sunday, July 15, 2012

Well hey guys! today was definitely a fun one. We had to get up kind of on the early side in order to get in line for Clybourne Park student rush tickets but it was WELL worth it. we sat around for a bit and studied our lines for our upcoming scenes in class and then headed to lunch at a little Vietnamese place. it was SUPER cheap and super delicious! I had chicken fried rice and it was delicious for only 10 bucks! Jake got full really quickly so Aleyse had to mom him a bit and say "just two more bites honey" a couple times. hahaha. then we decided to waste some time around times square before the matinee. we ended up chillen in Toys R Us for an hour. then we hit up the Disney store and then we headed over to the M&M store to waste more time. after all that we headed over to see Clybourne Park which was AMAZING. its the "sequel " to "Raisin in the Sun". we got all settled in and ready to see the show....and who was to show up two rows back???? BUT MORGAN FREEMAN......can i get a woot woot? the show was fantastically acted and me and Jake got our programs signed! Perfect timing because for one of the cast members this was her last night! So we caught the last ever performance with the original cast! then we headed back uptown, picked up some soft serve fruit and are now quite peacefully trying to memorize our lines and gain some peace before our hectic week resumes. Here's some pictures of today's adventures!

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