Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hey guys! again, thanks so much for stopping by everyday to check up on us here in NYC. it really means alot :) well today you guys are in for a real treat because I have like 15 pictures from what we did today!! 
We started off walking to the subway as we always do( except today we slept in LATE to catch up on sleep) and we saw this weird Buddha monk statue i just had to take a picture of.  then we decided to just go hangout around times square today...not to be touristy i promise !!! but we wanted to go hangout at the drama bookshop and me and Jake wanted to visit midtown comics. we did that and then we got HONGRY! so we went to a little place my mom found out about from reading a book and it was super cheap and super delicious! Empanada Mama! (50th and 9th for you New Yorkers ;)) then we headed to the book of mormon theatre to enter the lottery :) we didnt win...but maybe next time!!! then we were gonna head home but stumbled upon this like flea market esque type thing so we shopped around a bit ! then we headed home, me and leyse got soft serve fruit! and jake felt left out so him and my mom bought a cupcake :) then for the rest of the night we have just been hanging out, talking, and learning lines!! Hope you enjoy the pictures and love ya guys!
Shout out to Brian!! kinda reminded me of the lucky cat!

The Drama Book Shop!

Mom and Leyse looking for plays!



Whose excited? cuz im pumped.

We are gonna try and see this tomorrow!

Soft Serve Fruit forLIFEEE

 Jake and I checked out some watches at the flea market today!

THANKS CHARLES SCHWAB!! (shout out to colin harvey!)

Evil master mind 

Call us maybe!!

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